We would like to 'Thank' the following people who helped make this project what it is, whom without we could not have launched SNAPP CV.
Our NED's:
Susie Robinson, Peter Macdonald, Ellie Armour & Last but not least, Marija Simovic
Our BETA Testers:
Laura Crossfield; our designated SNAPP CV TESTER!, Rich Baker & The Star of the show; Holly 'SnappMeister' Ward!
Our Amazing Supporters:
Richard Wells, Eve Rolland, Ali Gilani, Hussein Khanji, Raj Ghai
Thank you to all our researchers, coders, designers, social media guru's, again all of you have been so invaluable and we look forward to taking SNAPP to the next level!
Finally, to all our friends and family who have seen us through the up's and downs of launching this project, thank you!